Web Design

A good design is often all it takes to make a conversion; the page layout, color usage and content portray a message to your prospective clients, and if these are executed poorly this will be how those prospects view your company.

I too often work with clients who initially didn’t understanding the importance of a good design and viewed their website with the same merits as a print ad in a local news paper, and believe that as long as they have some verbiage on a page mentioning their hours of operations and latest deals then they are set. It’s no surprise that these same individuals have also often been struggling with their marketing efforts.

Swing Over

Graphic Design

There’s a reason people say “a picture is worth a thousand words”, a lot can be conveyed with a single image. Not only can so much be expressed with a single image, but often we can convey a great deal of information, even express abstract emotions, quickly to people with the right image. But design goes further than relying just on a single image to convey a message, we’re also able to imply motion, direction, and intent within a layout. Even text content itself is a factor in a good design schema.

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Game Development

Getting invovled in 3D modeling has been an aspiration of mine for a long time, and something that I only developer more of a passion for over time. There is nothing as magical as creating a character and animating them to interact with their environments.

Game On!

3D Modeling & Animation

Getting involved in 3D modeling has been an aspiration of mine for a long time, and something that I only developer more of a passion for over time. There is nothing as magical as creating a character and animating them to interact with their environments.

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I’m relatively new to illustration and watercolor painting, but I’ve taken quite a fondness to it recently! Check out some of my projects!

Check It Out!